More environmentally friendly and economic use of energy
A fundamental problem of separate conventional energy production is the non-optional use of the energy contained in the fuel. Heat and power co-generation, on the other hand, is one of the most efficient forms of energy supply. In a heat and power co-generation unit, the energy used is at the same time transformed into electric power and useful heat. The most widespread system variants are the CHP units and micro-gas turbines.
Single and dual-fuel CHP units
CHP units are preferably used where the heat generated can also be used in addition to the electrical energy. At the site of the CHP unit or nearby, there must therefore be what is known as a heat sink, whereby 80 to 90 percent of the energy input is used. By way of comparison, in the case of conventional generation of power, efficiency of only 40 to 50 percent is achieved. Heat and power co-generation therefore reduces primary energy demand and increases resources efficiency. With less fuel consumption and reduced CO2 emissions, heat and power co-generation thus contributes substantially to energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as achieving climate targets.
As competent and independent adviser in the field of high-efficiency heat and power co-generation, we provide individual strategies for improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions and operating costs through appropriately sized CHP units and intelligent energy management strategies. In addition, within our planning, we advise you about state support for heat and power co-generation units and the new development and upgrading of heat and power co-generation heat storage and heat networks.